- Mercury Dental Amalgams: Analyzing the Debate
- Beta Carotene
- The Fluoridation Fiasco
- The Gulf War’s Troubling Legacy Pt 1
- The Gulf War’s Troubling Legacy Pt 2
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- AIDS: A Second Opinion Pt 1
- Letter to Editor- response to George Carter’s criticism of Gary’s AIDS article
- AIDS: A Second Opinion Pt 2
- Women’s Health Risks Associated with Orthodox Medicine Pt 1
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- Suger: Sweet Suicide Pt 1
- Suger: Sweet Suicide Pt 2
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- Vaccination: An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks Pt 2
- Globalization and Poverty Interview with Dr. Vandana Shiva
- America’s Third World Healthcare Plan
- The Public Relations Machine for the Vaccine Complex
- The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex: A Deadly Fairy Tale
- Selling a Pandemic: Sound Science versus Propaganda Alchemy
- Vaccines’ Dark Inferno: What Is Not on Insert Labels?
- Fluoridation: Medicating Our Water Pt1
- Fluoridation: Medicating Our Water Pt 2
- The Myth That Vaccination Equals Immunization
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- Fluoride: The Deadly Legacy
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- Gulf War Syndrome: A Deadly Legacy
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- The Politics of Medicine Pt 1 Death By Medicine
- The Politics of Medicine Pt 3 Scientific Studies: Clinical Evidence or a License to Kill?
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- Liberalism’s Death Bell Tolls
- Who are the True Progressives
- Wikipedia: a Web of Deception
- The Hidden Hand
- Gardasil: Child Abuse by Big Pharma
- Who Controls our Government? The Psychopathic Corporate Elites of America
- Sugar: Killing us Sweetly
- The Global Money Matrix: The Forces behind America’s Economic Destruction
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- Food Fascists: GMO and Pesticide Manufacturers Down and Dirty
- Medicine That Kills
- The Smallpox Vaccine: A Real Threat that Should be a Forgotten Threat
- Unsuccessful Modern Medical Miracles
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- US Government to America’s Vets: Drop Dead
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- America’s “Medical Deep State”. The Role of the CDC
- Chinese Botanical Medicine: Wikipedia Claims It is Fake, We are Certain it is Real.
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- Wikipedia’s Vaccination Bias
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- Why the World Health Organization Deserves Our Distrust
- Wikipedia- The Flawed Non-Encyclopedia
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- Wikipedia Watch
- Vaccine Deep State
- Wikipedia’s Vaccination Bias
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- Wikipedia’s Vaccine Propaganda Regime
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- Commentary on NPR’s Vaccine Story
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- Wikipedia, Stephen Barrett, and Sweet Suicide
- Chinese Botanical Medicine: Wikipedia Claims It is Fake, We are Certain it is Real.
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- Wikipedia Skeptics’ Crucifixion of Deepak Chopra
- Quackwatch’s Hatred of Acupuncture.
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- How We, the People, Can Save the Planet
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- Being Skeptical About Medical Skepticism
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- Autism, Made in the USA
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- Do Vaccines Cause Autism?