
Wikipedia is not an Encyclopedia

Wikipedia is not an Encyclopedia By Neal S. Greenfield, Esq. What if there were ways for people to live happier and healthy lives that would enrich the lives of millions? What is there was valuable information about the dangers of putting toxic substances into your body that appear all around us, in...


Quackwatch’s Hatred of Acupuncture.

Quackwatch’s Hatred of Acupuncture Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network November 18, 2019 The author of the Quackwatch entry for Acupuncture entitled “Be Wary of Acupuncture, Qigong and Chinese Medicine” is Quackwatch founder Stephen Barrett. It represents Quackwatch’s official position on acupuncture that has served the purposes of Skeptic organizations, including...


Wikipedia Skeptics’ Crucifixion of Deepak Chopra

Wikipedia Skeptics' Crucifixion of Deepak Chopra Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, July 29, 2019 Every day tens of millions of Americans are ill, from cancer to dementia, cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes, mental disorders, etc. As bad as this massive human suffering is, Americans are also faced with uncertainty...


Wikipedia: Big Pharma’s Propaganda Machine

Wikipedia: Big Pharma’s Propaganda Machine Progressive Radio Network March 28, 2019 Every day, hundreds of millions if not billions of people worldwide wake up suffering from various maladies. From heart disease, depression, cancer, diabetes, obesity, inflammatory conditions and the ravages of aging, including dementia, memory loss, and Alzheimer’s. In the US and Western...


Reasons to Walk Away from Wickedpedia

Reasons to Walk Away from Wickedpedia Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, December 23, 2019 It is that time of year for seasonal acts of compassion, kindness and giving. Again Wikipedia's co-founder Jimmy Wales has reached out to tens of millions of Wikipedia users to solicit donations to keep the...


Wikipedia Skeptics Attack on Truth in Journalism

Wikipedia Skeptics Attack on Truth in Journalism Richard Gale, Gary Null PhD and Neal Greenfield, Esq. Progressive Radio Network, September 5, 2019 There are thousands of American journalists. The public expects them to be independent of political, financial and ideological biases. Indeed there are multiple examples. But there are very few journalists in...


Wikipedia: The Internet’s Devil’s Island.

Wikipedia: The Internet's Devil's Island. Richard Gale and Gary Null, PhD Progressive Radio Network, September 30, 2019 Institutional incarceration, isolation under torture -- physical and/or psychological -- takes many forms and shapes. During the course of modern European history, perhaps the most notorious and immoral prison was Devil's Island, a French penal colony...


Modern Skepticism: An Authentic Pseudoscience of Irrational Deception

Modern Skepticism: An Authentic Pseudoscience of Irrational Deception Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network December 10, 2019 Many of us working in healthcare professions believe that medical science, in theory,is at a transformative moment. Hundreds of thousands of scientists and physicians worldwide are conducting basic and applied research into the mechanisms...


Wikipedia’s Leading Abettor in Skepticism’s Pro-Industry Propaganda

Wikipedia's Leading Abettor in Skepticism’s Pro-Industry Propaganda Richard Gale, Gary Null PhD and Neal Greenfield, Esq. Progressive Radio Network, September 17, 2019 For all of Skepticism's animosity against climate change denialism, oddly this fringe faction within the scientific community consistently supports private corporate interests that contribute to the destruction of the environment and...