Author - PRNMaintanance

Vaccines-Vaccine Victims-MedGen17

MEDICAL GINOCIDI PART SEVENTEEN If htstoty repeats rtself, mass immunization agarnst AIDS could lead to a deadly epidemic BY GAAY NULL A glaring example of modorn tnedtcine s questtonable status as a humane sctencc IS the professions predtlectton toward mass vaccinat1011 programs At one PHOTOGRAPH BY ANDREW UNANGST t1me....


Vaccines-Lethal Injections.PH

56 PENTHOUSE LETHAL INJECfiONS BY GARY NULL The author is a best-selling health-and-fitness expert. His most recent book is The Food-Mood-Body Connection, w ritten with Louise Bernikow and published by Seven Stories Press. IS SENT For more than a hundred years, two basic assumptions have been put forth by...


Vaccination-An Analysis of the Health Risks Pt1-Townsend

94 Vaccination: An Analysis of the Health Risks -Part II by Gary Null, PhD, and Martin Feldman, MD In Part 1 of this series, we discussed the reasons why we should challenge our assumptions that vaccines are safe and effective. These reasons include the adverse effects associated with vaccines,...


Vaccination-An Analysis of the Health Risks Pt2-Townsend

94 Vaccination: An Analysis of the Health Risks -Part II by Gary Null, PhD, and Martin Feldman, MD In Part 1 of this series, we discussed the reasons why we should challenge our assumptions that vaccines are safe and effective. These reasons include the adverse effects associated with vaccines,...


Vaccination-An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks Pt1-Townsend

Vaccination: An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks -Part 1 by Gary Null, PhD, and Martin Feldman, MD A major controversy is brewing in the United States as people question whether the vaccines we give to children are safe and effective. In this three-part series, we explore the vaccine...


Vaccination-An Analysis of the Health Risks Pt3-Townsend

78 Vaccination: An Analysis of the Health Risks -Part III by Gary Null, PhD, and Martin Feldman, MD In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, we examined factors countering our beliefs that vaccines are safe and effective. We also discussed the effects of specific vaccines, including those for...


Vaccination-An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks Pt1-Townsend

Vaccination: An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks -Part 1 by Gary Null, PhD, and Martin Feldman, MD A major controversy is brewing in the United States as people question whether the vaccines we give to children are safe and effective. In this three-part series, we explore the vaccine...


Vaccination-An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks Pt2-Townsend

Vaccination: An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks -Part 2 by Gary Null, PhD and Martin Feldman, MD In Part 1 of this series, we discussed the reasons why we should challenge the assumption that vaccines are safe and effective. These reasons include the adverse effects associated with vaccines,...


Vaccination-An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks Pt3-Townsend

      From the Townsend LetterDecember 2007 Vaccination: An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks   Part 3by Gary Null, PhD, and Martin Feldman, MD In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, we examined factors countering the belief that vaccines are safe and effective. We also discussed the effects of specific vaccines, including those for diphtheria,...