Townsend Letter

1. Mercury Dental Amalgams: Analyzing the Debate 01 Aug 1992

2. Prozac, Eli Lilly, and the FDA 01 Feb 1993

3. What Physicians Should Know About the Biological Effects of Ingested Fission Product 01 Sept 1993

4. The Safety of Prozac- letter to editor 01 Nov 1993

5. The Antioxidant Vitamin- Vitamin C 01 Feb 1994

6. Vitamin E 01 July 1994

7. Beta Carotene 01 Oct 1994

8. The Oxygen Battlefield 01 feb 1995

9. Nutrition and Mental Illness: Sampling the Current Scientific Literature Pt 1 01 Oct 1995

10. Nutrition and Mental Illness: Sampling the Current Scientific Literature Pt 2 01 Nov 1995

11. The Antioxidant Enzymes 01 Dec 1995

12. Vegetarianism and Health: What the Studies Show 01 Jan 1996

13. Unconventional Ways to Deal With HIV Infection and AIDS: 3 Paths 01 Feb 1996

14. The Fluoridation Fiasco 01 Sept 1996

15. The Hidden Side of Psychiatry Pt 1 01 Jan 1997

16. The Hidden Side fo Psychiatry-Pt2-Townsend-970201

17. Vitamin C and the Treatment of Cancer Pt 1 01 May 1997

18. Vitamin C and the Treatment of Cancer Pt 2 01 Jun 1997

19. Immune Augmentation Therapy for Gulf War Syndrome 01 April 1998

20. Hair Study: 1996 01 May 1998

21. The Gulf War’s Troubling Legacy Pt 1 01 Aug 1998

22. The Gulf War’s Troubling Legacy Pt 2 01 Oct 1998

23. The Good News About AIDS and HIV: Patients Speak Out 01 Jan 1998

24. Letter to Editor- response to George Carter’s criticism of Gary’s AIDS article 01 June 2000

25. AIDS: A Second Opinion Pt 1 01 June 2000

26. AIDS: A Second Opinion Pt 2 01 July 2000

27. Women’s Health Risks Associated with Orthodox Medicine Pt 1 01 Jan 2002

28. Women’s Health Risks Associated with Orthodox Medicine Pt 2 01 Feb 2002

29. Women’s Health Risks Associated with Orthodox Medicine Pt 3 01 April 2002

30. The Fluoride Controverisy Continues: An Update Pt 1 01 Dec 2002

31. The Fluoride Controverisy Continues: An Upan 20date Pt 2 01 J03

32. The Fluoride Controverisy Continues: An Update Pt 3 01 Feb 2003

33. Suger: Sweet Suicide Pt 1 01 July 2003

34. Suger: Sweet Suicide Pt 2 01 Aug 2003

35. Vaccination: An Analysis of the Health Risks Pt 1 01 Oct 2003

36. Vaccination: An Analysis of the Health Risks Pt 2 01 Nov 2003

37. Vaccination: An Analysis of the Health Risks Pt 3 01 Dec 2003

38. SSRIs: Are They As Safe As Promised? Pt 1 01 April 2004

39. SSRIs: Are They As Safe As Promised? Pt 2 01 May 2004

40. The Benefits of Going Beyond Conventional Therapies for ADHD 01 Jan 2004

41. Stop Fluoridation Now: New Research on Fluoride’s Brain and Thyroid Toxicity 01 April 2004

42. Vaccination: An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks Pt 1 01 Oct 2007

43. Vaccination: An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks Pt 2 01 Nov 2007

44. Vaccination: An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks Pt 3 01 Dec 2007

45. Comprehensive Lifestyle Intervention Improves Hair & Skin Status… 01 Oct 2007

46. The Argument for a Vegetarian Diet Pt1 01 May 2009

47. The Argument for a Vegetarian Diet Pt2 01 jun 2009

48. The Argument for a Vegetarian Diet Pt3 01 July 2009

49. Vaccines’ Dark Inferno: What Is Not on Insert Labels? 01 Dec 2009

50. Fluoridation: Medicating Our Water Pt1 01 Nov 2010

51. Fluoridation: Medicating Our Water Pt 2 01 Dec 2010

52. Fluoridation: Medicating Our Water Pt 3 01 Jan 2011

53. Gulf War Syndrome: A Deadly Legacy 01 July 2011

54. Vegetarianism Pt 1: A Philosophical and Historical Perspective 01 July 2011

55. Vegetarianism Pt 2: Nutritional Aspects of a Vegetarian Diet 01 Sept 2011

56. Vegetarianism Pt 3: The Economic and Taste Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet 01 Oct 2011

57. The Health-Boosting Properties of Super Foods 01 Dec 2011

58. Gardasil: Child Abuse by Big Pharma 03 Feb 2014

59. Food Fascists: GMO and Pesticide Manufacturers Down and Dirty 01 Jan 2015

60. Breast Cancer: These Natural Solutions Could Save Your Life 01 Aug 2015

61. Monsanto’s Sealed Documents Reveal the Truth behind Roundup’s Toxicological Dangers 01 May 2016

62. Voodoo Science: The Myth of Vaccine Efficacy 01 July 2016

63. Vaccination’s Dilemma: Unsafe at Any Dose 01 April 2016

64. Chinese Botanical Medicine: Wikipedia Claims It is Fake, We are Certain it is Real. 01 April 2019

65. Why Does Wikipedia Want to Deprive You of Acupuncture? 01 April 2020

66. 5G: The End of All Things 09 Aug 2020

67. Wikipedia’s Skeptical Assault on Botanical Medicine 01 Apr 2021
