The Vaccine Deep State

The Vaccine Deep State
Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD
Progressive Radio Network
November 7, 2019
Who coined the term anti-vaccine or anti-vaxx? The derogatory term “anti-vaxxer,” which has been championed by the media and the medical industry’s experts who function as the media’s talking heads, are merely people who question the efficacy and safety of a heavy-loaded vaccination schedule for children. And this does not represent a small group of dissident individuals and parents. Rather it represents hundreds of thousands, or perhaps millions, of people in the US alone.
We might consider mainstream news sources, such as the New York Times, once a highly respected newspaper, now becoming vehicle for “manufacturing consent”. In his book Public Opinion, political journalist Walter Lippmann, coined the expression “the manufacture of consent,” which was later further elaborated upon by Noam Chomsky in his critically acclaimed book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media published in 1988. Chomsky defines the mass corporate media as “effective and powerful ideological institutions that carry out a system-supportive propaganda function, by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions and self-censorship, and without overt coercion.” Chomsky’s insights remain every bit as relevant today for understanding the hidden motivations in today’s media to promulgate the official medical establishment’s vaccine doctrine and to demonize its opponents as they were over three decades ago for manufacturing consent to get Americans’ support behind the Cold War.
The media refuses to accept that those who have been vaccine damaged, or who have children who will suffer for the remainder of their lives from adverse vaccine events, have a legitimate right to speak their truth rather than being labeled as hysterical or crazy. All of these individuals and parents were pro-vaccine until they or their child became vaccine-injured. Similarly we saw the New York Times manufacturing consent for accepting falsehoods that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. And this was true across the mainstream outlets including the Washington Post, Fox, MSNBC, CNN and others. The Times fabricated that rationale to the public on behalf of the neo-cons in the Bush administration who were determined to have a war. None of the journalists publishing these lies have taken responsibility nor lost a night’s sleep because their fakery led to the death of millions.
Can you imagine that if you were a victim in the covert Tuskegee experiment carried out by the CDC, and you were one of the people who had syphilis who could have been easily treated but weren’t because you were a guinea pig and the federal agencies wanted to track how the infection would spread, and if you question the CDC’s wisdom, then you are therefore an anti-government subversive. You would be judged as anti-authority and therefore a delusional person. Similarly the CDC and the media, which has drunk the vaccine regime’s Kool Aid, is attempting to cast a net around those who oppose their authority by labeling them anti-vaxxers. It is not unlike being opposed to our invasions in Iraq, Libya and Syria and then being accused of being undemocratic and opposed to freedom because that is the moniker the government promoted to initiate its wars and foment regime change. The logic is completely reversed in order to generate and execute a faux public consensus.
Unlike the theatrical charade of America’s political discourse, when narrative directly impacts government-supported private financial interests, such as the pharmaceutical industry sales, then open freedom of speech and debate are smothered. According to Chomsky, “the smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow a very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views.” This strategy works, according Chomsky, when people believe they are actively engaged in the democratic process. However, for controversial issues that directly discredit industries that economically rely upon science, such as genetically modified crops, agricultural pesticides, and pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines, the public has no voice. Rather opposition is ridiculed and consent is manufactured in the shadows and through a wide network of media and internet resources to reach the public’s ears.
There is perhaps no other area of so-called scientific progress that has seemingly relied upon more deceptive and misleading research and a distortion of facts and statistics than in modern medicineâs religious belief in vaccines as a miracle to protect the worldâs population from infectious diseases. The distortion and exclusion of scientific evidence, the reliance upon cherry-picked studies and blatant corruption behind the vaccine research to further vaccination campaigns and compliance inquisitorial assaults on the medical voices of reason who demand honest and open dialogue about vaccine safety and efficacy has turned into a media war.
Popular scientific consensus has yet to tackle the growing uncertainty gap to identify the most probable causes of childhood neurological disorders and increasing rates in asthma, allergies and autoimmune conditions, including the role that toxic vaccine ingredients such as adjuvant aluminum compounds may play in these epidemics. According to Dr. Stephanie Seneff at MIT, the autism rate can be projected to reach 1 in 2 boys in the next five years. Unfortunately the Vaccine Deep State is silent over this urgent debate. And even with all the scientific evidence, the mass media continues to parrot the CDCâs mantra that there is no further debate to be pursued as to whether vaccines contribute to neuro-developmental disorders.
If you have read the opinion pieces in the New York Times, Washington Post or listen to television commentators, you will be left with the impression that there are no evidence-based facts to offer a legitimate challenge to the assumption that all vaccines are effective and safe. Nevertheless there is a large group of board certified pediatricians, immunologists, toxicologists and research scientists who have reviewed volumes of peer-reviewed literature to support their criticisms of what the media wants us to believe. But you will never see anyone from this group cited in mainstream publications or invited on multimedia. Rather, the media has created the illusion that only a small group of activist parents and renegade physicians oppose vaccines. In turn, they are attacked with the unfounded charge that they put society’s health at risk.
One recent example occurred in Israel. Prof. Yehuda Shoenfeld is one of the most respected immunologists in Israel who now heads a center for autoimmune diseases at Sheba Medical Center, Israel’s largest hospital. He is also a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities and serves on the editorial board of dozens of medical journals. Some regard him as “one of the most prominent world experts in autoimmunity.” But now he being viciously attacked by a group of Israeli doctors who accuse him of being a danger to public health because he has questioned vaccine safety. This group wants Dr. Shoenfeld silenced because he has written extensively on the role of aluminum adjuvants leading to a condition he has called “autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants” or ASIA. Not surprisingly, much of the assault against Dr. Shoenfeld is being fueled by the Vaccine Deep State in the US,
primarily by two of the media’s pro-vaccine poster children, Dr. Paul Offit at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and his partner law professor Dorit Reiss at the University of California. Reiss also blogs her opinions to discredit anti-vaccine voices for the Times of Israel and has contributed to fomenting opposition to Dr. Shoenfeld. She is also one of the leading legal supporters for California’s regressive vaccine mandates. Both Offit and Reiss are advocating for Dr. Shoenfeld’s removal from his hospital position and his sitting on medical journal boards.
Dr. Shoenfeld is an example of what happens to any scientist, physician and even journalist who questions vaccination. Therefore, how can we trust anything written about vaccines in the mainstream media? That is the conundrum.
We can ask journalists six basic questions to determine their journalist integrity and honesty.
1) Have you interviewed the leading vaccines critics within the medical community?
2) Have you honestly investigated the scientific literature to review the toxicological evidence about vaccines’ harmful effects?
3) Have you reviewed the actual transcripts of the CDC’s senior immunologist Dr. William Thompson who provided evidence that the MMR is associated with autism yet this was systematically covered up by the agency.
4) Have you reviewed Robert Kennedy Jr’s release of the Simpsonwood meeting transcripts that provided conclusive evidence that the CDC’s own research showed a vaccine mercury-autism connection and this too was intentionally concealed from Congress and the public
5) Have you reviewed the politics behind the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and the subsequent Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to understand how the pharmaceutical industry received a pass to avoid being held legally accountable for vaccineinjuries.
6) Have you interviewed and sought documentation from any of the following medical doctors and researchers Drs. Suzanne Humphries, Nancy Banks, Brian Hooker, LucijaTomljenovic, Lawrence Palevsky, Christopher Exley, TetyanaObukhanych, among many others Each of these individuals were pro-vaccine before that found reason to explore the actual published science.
This is only the beginning of what needs to be done before citing or interviewing any the most ardent pro-vaccine advocates such as Paul Offit, Senator Richard Pan or Dorit Reiss. And we have yet to find any mainstream journalist whatsoever who has made an effort to investigate any of the above.
To sustain the nationâs vaccination rates, to preserve corporate profits, and to keep Americans convinced that vaccines will protect their children from infectious illnesses, the CDC requires a dynamic marketing and public relations apparatus. The tentacles of the governmentâs health agencies are not only wrapped around the mainstream media but also the entertainment industry. Unknown to the general public and many in the medical profession is the existence of the CDCâs sophisticated public relations operations. Tax dollars are spent to train journalists to defend the federal agenciesâ and pharmaceutical industryâs national and state vaccine agendas. This broad network of journalists are employed by mainstream media companies, magazines and newspapers, and freelancers and provide the CDC with a virtual army of publicists to promote its message. Threats, fear mongering, and outright hatred written towards vaccine opponents are commonplace in the mainstream journalism’s narratives. What they all share in common in our opinion is a glaring ignorance or denial of an enormous body of scientific literature that calls the CDC’s lies and deception about vaccine safety into question.
One vehicle for manufacturing consent is the CDC-Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ) joint fellowship program. Scores of health editors, writers and reporters throughout the nationâs leading media corporations and publicationsâMSNBC, NPR, New York Times, Reuters, the Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle to name a few on the fellowshipâs webpageâhave passed through the CDCâs Atlanta campus for a weekâs worth of intense instruction in national public health policy. According to the AHCJâs fellowship information, journalists are indoctrinated in conventional federal health policies regarding epidemiology, global disease prevention, pandemic flu preparedness, vaccine safety and autism. They also receive training in ânavigating databases such as the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey and CDC publicationsâ to assist their research and writing. Afterwards journalists return to their publications to promote the CDCâs ideological talking points to increase vaccination compliance and receive notices and pre-written scripts about stories to report for their news outlets.
The CDC’s close relationship with the media to push vaccines has been in place for at least two decades. For example, during the 2004 National Influenza Vaccine Summit, then director of Media Relations at the CDC and spokesperson for the National Immunization Program, Glen Nowak, presented the agencyâs âSeven Step Recipe for Generating Interest In and Demand for Flu Vaccination.â His Powerpoint presentation outlines a concise public relations campaign, along a timeline covering the flu season, for journalists and media agencies to follow for the sole purpose of increasing flu vaccination rates. The outline includes specific periods during the flu season when the media is recommended to increase public awareness about the pending dangers of influenza and even possible death. In defense of the CDCâs PR efforts, Nowak publicly stated on National Public Radio that the vaccine âmanufacturers were telling us [CDC] that they werenât receiving a lot of orders of vaccine for use⌠It really did look like we needed to do something to encourage people to get a flu shot.â Five years later, during the H1N1 swine flu non-epidemic, we observed and reported how the CDCâs intense flu storyline recommendations continue to be put into practice to the letter by the New York Times, Washington Post and almost every large television news network.[1]
These operations are not limited to news firms. There is another organization that has remained relatively hidden from the publicâs eye that targets the entertainment world: Hollywood Health and Society (HHS). HHS is headquartered at the Norman Lear Center at the University of Southern Californiaâs Annenberg School of Communications.
According to its website, HHS âprovides entertainment industry professionals with accurate timely information on health storylines.â It delivers consultation, writers and scripts for television, Hollywood films and documentaries. And who offers this expert consultation? HHSâ top funders, including the CDC, the National Cancer Institute, the Office of National Drug Control Policy, and the worldâs largest private financial source for vaccine development and promotion the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
HHSâs mission states:
In partnership with our funding agencies, we offer several resources, including quick facts, briefings and consultations with experts, case examples, panel discussions about timely health issues, a quarterly newsletter with health updates called âReal to Reel,â and an expanding list of tip sheets written specifically for writers and producers. Tip sheets are available on the CDC website, as well as the NCI website. The broad range of topics includes influenza, toxic mold, smallpox, cancer, autism, motor vehicle crashes, obesity, adolescent health issues, antibiotic resistance, clinical trials and much more.
Unbeknownst to many, even the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) has publicly come to the defense of the vaccine manufacturers and continues to publish articles that denigrate vaccine hesitancy. During the misperceived Swine Flu threat in 2009, the Council took an active role to breed public fear about the epidemic that never happened in order to push more flu vaccines. The organization’s Global Health program has worked closely with Bill Gates’ Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). More recently CFR member Claire Felter has taken the World Health Organization’s talking points to charge the “anti-vaccination movement” with “threaten[ing] to undo years of progress made against a range of preventable diseases.” As with the major players in any Deep State, hypocrisy often runs rampant. Embracing a strong anti-China position regarding that nation’s Communist government, the CFR has challenged the Chinese government’s legitimacy after riots over the administration of “substandard” vaccines that turned violent. Yet, at no time do we find the CFR raising questions about the exponential rise in autism and childhood neurological disorders in the US and our government’s utter neglect and failure to honestly investigate the causes behind this epidemic that is destroying more families than recent measles outbreaks ever could.
This undoubtedly raises the question, why in the world is the CFR involved in the vaccine business? Besides the CFRâs commitment to the WHOâs global health agenda, among the Councilâs corporate members are three of the five largest pharmaceutical companies, each a major force in the vaccine industry: Glaxo, Merck and Pfizer. Each of these firms have stacked up many years of civil lawsuits, medical cover-ups on adverse drug effects, falsification of medical data, and a trail of pseudo-scientific nonsense to expedite their revenues from drug and vaccine sales. Over the years, the CFR has functioned as an effective incubator for forging alliances between large multinational corporations and governmental and multilateral agencies. Obama’s cabinet, for example, was packed with CFR members, who contributed to the signing of the DARK Act to squash states’ efforts to label Genetically Modified foods.
For those who are vaccine-hesitant, one of the most frustrating concerns is legislative complacency at every level of the government — the White House, Congress, and throughout the nation’s federal health agencies — to make concerted efforts to invest in the most serious questions of the vaccine safety debate. Although many Trump supporters believed that once president he would address the plight of parents with vaccine-injured children, it came as no surprise that he would back-peddle 180 degrees. In the aftermath of the measles outbreak, Trump adopted the Vaccine Deep State’s agenda when he told CNN, âThey [children] have to get the shots. The vaccinations are so important. This is really going around now. They have to get their shots.â
There is utter silence in Washington about the long-term consequences of where the American population is headed as more and more vaccines get added to the CDC’s vaccine schedule. Scientific denialism is rampant and the nation’s vaccination policies are criminally medieval, based upon faith rather than reason. This includes efforts to fund independent studies to confirm or negate many of the more disturbing conclusions found in much of the peer-reviewed literature. Among them are:
1) The role of rising toxic levels of aluminum adjuvants in fully vaccinated children with neuro-development disorders compared to unvaccinated children. The Vaccine Deep State categorically denies that aluminum in vaccines has any role. More disturbing, our federal health officials have been fully warned by experts in this field. In his How to End the Autism Epidemic, attorney JB Handley provides excerpts of letters sent by three of the top researchers in aluminum toxicity to the CDC, FDA and National Institutes of Health:
Prof. Christopher Exley (Keele University in the UK): “I am an expert in the field of aluminum adjuvants and aluminum toxicity. I have been working in this field for more than 30 years during which time I have written in excess of 150 peer-reviewed scientific publications on this subject… I solemnly declare that more research on the role of aluminum adjuvant in vaccines and neurological disorders, including ASD, is essential and urgently required.”
Dr. RomainGherardi (University of Paris): “I am an expert in the field of aluminum adjuvant toxicity in humans and animal models. I have been working in this field since the initial description of aluminum vaccine-induced macrophagicmyofascitis in 1998. Since that time I have written 40 peer-reviewed scientific publications and one book on this subject. I strongly support the contention that aluminum adjuvants in vaccines may have a role in the etiology of autism spectrum disorder.”
Dr. Christopher Shaw (University of British Columbia): “We have studied the impact of aluminum adjuvants in animal models of neurological disease, including autism spectrum disorder… These studies and the broader existing literature regarding aluminum toxicity lead almost invariably to the conclusion that aluminum in any chemical form is always neurotoxic when administered in humans. Further I am convinced that aluminum adjuvants in vaccines may contribute to neurological disorders across the lifespan… it is my belief that the CDC’s claim on its website that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” is wholly unsupported.”
2) The CDC and FDA do not require vaccine makers to test vaccines against scientifically viable placebo controls with an inert substance such as saline solution. Rather all clinical trials test the vaccine against a false-placebo that includes toxic ingredients such as aluminum adjuvant, polysorbate 80, genetically modified yeast that had never been tested separately for safety, etc, minus the viral component. The exception is Gardasil which tested the vaccine against 2 placebos, one being saline. However, their final results provided to the FDA for licensure combined the two placebos to mask the increase in adverse effects.
3) After many petitions, and even recommendations from Congressional subcommittees convening to study the autism epidemic, the CDC continues to refuse to fund independent studies comparing the quality of health between vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. Clearly, if there was nothing to hide and vaccines are perfectly safe, this would be a slam dunk study to silence vaccine opposition. Such studies have been done independently and outside the Vaccine Deep State. The non-profit group Generation Rescue in collaboration with the notable opinion poll organization, SurveyUSA, completed a survey of 11,817 households, representing over 17,600 children to compare the rates of various neurological disorders, as well as asthma and childhood diabetes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children. For all vaccinated boys from 4-17 years, there were increases of 155 percent for neurological disorders, 224 percent for ADHD, and 61 percent for autism among the vaccinated. For all boys and girls, there was a 120 percent increase in asthma among those vaccinated.
4) An entire reevaluation of the herd immunity theory is urgent. The herd theory, the belief that if a sufficient percent of a population is vaccinated then a given infectious disease can be eradicated, has never been scientifically confirmed to be valid.
Swedish television reported that in 2014 the Council of Foreign Relations released a report identifying those developed countries with the highest rates of disease outbreaks. The Council’s report found that the most highly vaccinated populations are also those with the greatest number of outbreaks for those same infectious diseases. This was especially the case for measles, mumps, rubella, polio and pertussis outbreaks. The US, Canada, the European Union, Australia and New Zealand, and Japanâeach with the highest number of mandated vaccinesâled the list of nations.
The Office of Medical and Scientific Justice, which analyzed the report, concluded that the Councilâs report clearly suggests the theory of âherd immunityâ is failing or was flawed to begin with. Given the repeated incidences of infectious outbreaks in populations with 94% or more vaccine compliance, and the emergence of new viral strains, the concept of herd immunity should be forgotten. The Office offers several possibilities to explain the report: 1) vaccines are increasingly becoming ineffective and causing âimmune dysfunction,â and 2) âvaccine antigen responsesâ may be reprogramming viruses while weakening the immune systems of the most vaccinated individuals.
Earlier, a far greater blow against the efficacy of the measles vaccine came when Dr. Gregory Poland, Editor in Chief of the journal Vaccine and founder of the Mayo Clinicâs Vaccine Research Group, published a surprising statement that the measles vaccine has a poor record of efficacy. Despite the high 95-plus percent measles vaccination compliance of children entering kindergarten, and the CDCâs propaganda that the vaccine has defeated the virus, measles outbreaks are rising. Dr. Poland does not believe this is due to unvaccinated individuals but rather the failure of the vaccine.
Another example is in Mississippi, with the highest vaccination rate in the country. The state has shown significant increases in whooping cough cases, with only 9% of those infected being unvaccinated. Across the nation, the most highly infected are those who have received three or more pertussis shots and boosters. Several years ago the Australian governmentâs National Center for Immunization and Research of Vaccine Preventable Diseases found that the pertussis vaccine’s effectiveness is waning far more rapidly than expected.
5) The life-threatening failures of the FDA fast-tracking pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines. The pharmaceutical industry loves fast-tracked approvals because the necessary clinical trials do not require any long-term clinical effects from human trials. Only studies on “surrogate markers” are reviewed; these are short-term observations on whether there is any sign of a drug or vaccine being effective. Besides, such trials are invariably far cheaper than larger long-term studies so there is considerable cost savings. Last year set a record with 73 percent of newly approved drugs having been fast-tracked. There are many dozens of examples of these drugs eventually being removed from the market or being given black box warnings for severe risks noted only after the products’ release.
The National Women’s Health Network conducted a study to record the rates of drug makers completing the necessary efficacy and safety trials following their drugs being fast-tracked through the regulatory system. The study’s conclusions were that 58 percent of fast-tracked products only had a follow up clinical trial(s) after five or more years delay. Some didn’t have any follow up studies performed.
The worst case of a vaccine being fast-tracked is Merck’s HPV vaccine Gardasil. Rushing this vaccine through the regulatory hurdles is an example of gross neglect. During the clinical trials 2.3 percent of the girl enrollees came down with autoimmune illnesses up to seven months after receiving the vaccine. Seventeen girls died; nevertheless without any compelling evidence the CDC states none of these deaths were due to the vaccine. Gardasil was fast-tracked nonetheless without further investigations. According to Robert Kennedy Jr’s calculations, one hundred times more Gardasil recipients are “more likely to suffer serious adverse events from the vaccine than they are to be protected from cervical cancer.” In addition, Kennedy observed, “Many of these diseases were serious diseasesâblood lymphatic diseases, anemia, endocrine diseases, autoimmune diseases, G.I., Crohnâs disease, ulcerative colitis, vaginal infections musculoskeletal injuries, arthritis, neoplasm, Hodgkinâs disease, neurological diseases, psychiatric diseases, depression, reproductive and breast disorders, menstrual irregularities, and pain. Over 3 percent of the girlsâ1 in 30âin both groups required surgical and medical procedures.”
6) The epidemic of industry conflicts of interest in studies relied upon by the CDC’s vaccine advisory bodies for setting its vaccination schedule and policies. The pharmaceutical industry spent its largest amount in a single year on lobbying in 2018, $228 million. There are over 1,400 Big Pharma lobbyists in Washington and over 64 percent of these are former government employees.
The CDC is essentially being controlled by the pharmaceutical drug industry. Health Impact News reported that former CDC head Julie Gerberding, who was in charge of the agency between 2002 to 2009 when the thimerosal-autism controversy was at its height and during the period Merck’s Gardasil was fast-tracked for approval, started to systematically overhaul the entire agency upon her arrival. During her tenure many of the CDC’s senior scientists resigned. The opened positions were promptly filled with people holding close ties to the vaccine industry. After Obama fired Gerberding, she shortly thereafter found herself as president of Merck’s vaccine division. Merck manufactures 14 of the 17 vaccines on the childhood vaccination schedule and 9 of the 10 vaccines recommended for adults.
7) The CDC is essentially a corporation profiting from the vaccine business. Robert Kennedy Jr has called the CDC “a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry.” According to Dr. Frank Anders, former Command Surgeon of the US Army Special Operations Command in Africa, âthe power and money these pharmaceutical companies wield [on the FDA and CDC] is awesome.â[2]
It is estimated the agency earns over $4 billion from vaccines. According to the website Law Firms, the members on the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices cumulatively own 56 vaccine-related patents; the CDC itself owns over 20 patents that are licensed out to private companies. Kennedy notes that “Congressman Dave Weldon has pointed out that the primary metric for success across the CDC is how many vaccines the agency sells and how successfully the agency expands its vaccine programâregardless of any negative effects on human health.â
The push to mandate the HPV vaccine ignores the statistics in other nations that clearly show an increase in cervical cancer since the introduction of the vaccine. The vaccine was introduced in Australia and the UK in 2006 and 2008 respectively; in both nations, cancer rates have increased substantially. Back in 2006, the Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee warned that the vaccine might increase the risk of cervical lesions and cancer. That warning has come true; a VARBPAC report estimates a 44 percent greater likelihood of cervical lesions among Gardasil recipients.
Efforts to legislate bills for implementing the HPV vaccine started almost immediately after the vaccine was approved, according to a University of Virginia study on the history of HPV legislation. This included a large publicity campaign to make parents fearful of the risks of cervical cancer, public financing, and attempts through the American Legislation Exchange Council (ALEC) to get the vaccine admitted into state’s required vaccination schedules. Similarly, a Harvard investigation into the Gardasil vaccine’s maker Merck’s role in immunization policy-making uncovered that the company was in fact drafting the legislation to mandate the vaccine. It also made special efforts to target women legislators and physicians to assist in consumer marketing campaigns. Merck’s lobbying activities in Washington have always been among the most aggressive on K Street. Virginia was one of the first states to enact a statewide school entry mandate for the HPV vaccine; yet five years later, a Medical University of South Carolina analysis found that the mandate had no impact whatsoever on overall compliance.
8) In our opinion, the CDC has made efforts to cover-up and destroy documentation showing an autism-vaccine association. The most egregious example was exposed by the CDC’s senior immunologist Dr. William Thompson who released thousands of pages of confidential documents to Congress proving that the agency concealed and shredded research data showing that the MMR vaccine increased rates of autism among African American boys. The CDC’s influence and power over the Congress has seemingly prevented this case from reaching a congressional investigation.
Recently the US’s National Vaccine Program has released a new strategic report to initiate a National Adult Immunization Plan as part of its Healthy People 2020 objectives. One of the barriers the Program faces is overcoming legal barriers at the state levels and the growing skepticism about vaccine safety and effectiveness. If implemented, this would be a national policy that would override the individual state laws, for example laws for medical, religious and philosophical exemption. The ramifications of such a Plan at the federal level could be catastrophic and have an enormous adverse economic impact. It has the potential to enforce vaccination compliance through applying for a drivers license or a passport, receiving welfare benefits or Medicare/Medicaid, etc. Supporters of the Plan are a literal who’s who of the Vaccine Deep State, including 20 federal health agencies, the Department of Defense, Homeland Securities, the Department of Justice, Veterans Affairs, and a multitude of non-government stakeholders in the vaccine industry, academic institutions, professional medical associations, community and patient advocacy organizations, insurance providers, and the mainstream media. In other words, if this become law at the federal level every American adult will be subjected to a series of mandatory vaccines.
Google, as well as its co-collaborator Wikipedia — a primary source of medical misinformation — will inevitably play a critical role in Vaccine Deep State’s efforts to implement the CDC’s immunization strategy. We believe this includes employing Google’s Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME) to manufacture consent through behavior modification. This would be parallel to the mainstream media that is already controlled by the Vaccine Deep State. In fact, this effort, according to Sayer Ji at GreenMedInfo, is already underway. Google’s manipulation of search terms generates “suggestions” to users that “anti-vaxxers are burdening the economy” and “HPV vaccines are safe for your child.”
For an investigative journalist, who may sincerely care about exposing truthful stories on important health issues, Wikipedia’s treatment of vaccination is also engaged in manufacturing consent. Jimmy Wales deludes himself into believing he and his organizations represent truth in the war against fake news. Contrary to all of the science and facts presented above in this article, none of which can be successfully edited into Wikipedia’s pages, the encyclopedia is another player in the Vaccine Deep State. At this moment, California, New York and other states are aggressively stripping away our Constitutional freedoms in order to mandate vaccines under the ruse that it serves the public good. The science supporting the evidence that vaccine efficacy is waning, that many of the infectious outbreaks being reported include a high percentage of fully or partially vaccinated persons, and that vaccines are contributing to many of the epidemics ravaging American children is categorically ignored. We expect our politicians, public health officials and the media to be deeply concerned about whether something we put into our body may be potentially lethal. Should we not be demanding a moratorium on all future vaccine mandate proposals and repeal those already in effect, until such time that independent gold standard clinical trials are conducted. In effect we are demanding that the cautionary principle be applied to vaccines. As we have shown above, such trials have never been performed on any vaccine currently in the CDC’s immunization schedule. Nor have any comprehensive studies been conducted to compare the overall health between vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. Of course, for the Vaccine Deep State to reach its goals, efforts for truth-finding are anathema.
Deep states are in effect totalitarian. Totalitarian regimes are more than structures of governance ruled over by narcissistic, psychopathic despots. These states appoint very bright and charismatic people into high positions of authority in order to keep the regimesâ propaganda and lies alive for an uninformed public. They also require an obedient mass media apparatus of indoctrinated or crony journalists and writers who can counter and discredit oppositional voices and groups on rapid notice in order to manufacture consent. Sadly this is the state of todayâs American medical establishment that no longer tolerates vaccination dissention and alternative science that challenges its cherished dogma. And this is most clearly observed in federal protection of bad vaccine science. This suppressive edifice that shares all the characteristics of an institutional deep state is unlikely to disappear anytime in the near future. Only an informed and better educated citizenry motivated to express public indignation will lead to efforts to hold every federal health official accountable.
The Vaccine Deep State poses very serious threats because its serves private interests instead of the public. It is irrational and bases its agenda more on wishful-thinking than sound evidence-based medicine. Dr. Emmett Miller is one of the original pioneers in Mind-Body Medicine. In his book, Our Culture on the Couch, he writes, âOne of the remarkable facts about the human brain, is that when it finds itself faced with two equally varied but seemingly incompatible interpretations or perceptions it tends to suppress one of the interpretations to make it invisible — then take the other interpretation as the âtruthâ. Then, rather than deal with cognitive dissonance,â Dr. Miller says, âit will rationalize and defend its position to the point of absurdity.â Hence the entire concept of vaccine effectiveness and safety as the first course of disease prevention is itself an example of Dr. Miller’s cognitive dissonance. We believe they suppress the truth and fully support the lie.
[1] Richard Gale and Gary Null. âThe Public Relations Machine for the Vaccine Complex.â Progressive Radio Network, October 7, 2009
[2] see Gale R, Null G âVaccination: Federal Health Agencies Continue to Deceive Americansâ Global Research. Novemb