Wikipedia: Our New Technological McCarthyism, Part 1
Today, the internet, often thought of as our world’s “final frontier” for free thinkers and the flow and exchange of ideas and information, is seriously ill. It has been systemically infected by ideological viruses, memes of information intent on poisoning freedom of expression that we take for granted every time we use Google or visit […]
Read MoreWikipedia Embraces the Dark Side
Wikipedia Embraces the Dark SideBy Helen Buyniski Wikipedia is the fifth most popular website on the internet. It presents itself as a “people’s encyclopedia,” a neutral utopia in which anyone can edit an article in their area of expertise, adding and correcting facts to enhance the sum total of the world’s knowledge. In theory, it […]
Despite what doctors may tell their patients, medicine is not infallible. Bad treatments and dangerous drugs have persisted as universally-accepted medical practices for long periods of time, far beyond when people began to catch on to their dark side. During the 20th century, we willingly subjected ourselves to lobotomies, electroshock therapy, mercury amalgam fillings, thalidomide, […]
Read MoreWhy Does Wikipedia Recommend Fluoride?
Wikipedia is a staunch defender of water fluoridation. Parroting the statements of arch-Skeptic Stephen Barrett, its editors sacrifice reams of scientific data to push the scientifically-debunked theories of those who would put this proven neurotoxin in every water treatment plant, exposing generation after generation to a toxic chemical whose harms are well established and publicly […]
Read MoreWhy you shouldn’t trust Wikipedia: Propagandists for a Broken Establishment
Science, whether in academia or in the mainstream media, television or popular online outlets, is the rarefied domain of “experts,” we are told. To prove they are experts, the gatekeepers of the Academy present a pedigreed background, bristling with prestigious degrees, honors and awards, publication in the top journals of their field, and other trappings […]
Read MoreWikipedia: the New Inquisition
Wikipedia: the New Inquisition By Helen Buyniski Progressive Radio Network January 14, 2019 Consider: you are given a serious diagnosis – cancer, dementia, multiple sclerosis – and your doctor runs you through the standard treatment protocol. It fails to reverse or cure the condition, leaving you hundreds of thousands of dollars poorer and sicker. […]
Read MoreAmerica’s Crazy, Wild and Deadly Vaccination Experiment
America’s Crazy, Wild and Deadly Vaccination Experiment Richard Gale and Gary Null, PhD Progressive Radio Network, September 25, 2009 September 20th may be recognized as a day when the 16 year old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg led the world’s youth to protest en masse against the failures of our governments to tackle the existential […]
Read MoreCommentary on NPR’s Vaccine Story
A Commentary on NPR’s Joanne Silberner’s Program on Morning Edition By, Dr. Gary Null February 9, 2010 Joanne Silberner, a noted and respected health policy journalist for NPR with impeccable credentials, recently reported on the risks and benefits of vaccines for Morning Edition. It is a shame that such an important topic reaching a wide […]
Read MoreRichard Gale and Gary Null – Why is the CDC Petrified of the Film Vaxxed?
America’s patrons of the theatric and visual arts, the lovers of film, dance and music, are among the nation’s most diehard advocates for liberty, self-expression, and art’s civil rights to challenge the failures and wrongs in the social and political status quo. During every decade, during every generation, many of our most memorable artistic achievements […]
Read MoreAutism, Made in the USA: the Undeniable Connection Between Vaccines and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism, Made in the USA: the Undeniable Connection Between Vaccines and Autism Spectrum Disorder By Gary Null and Helen Buyniski “universal vaccination of pregnant women could get us into a whole new set of problems.” Millions of parents believed that vaccines were safe and trusted that they were effective in protecting their children from various […]
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